Here is what we ought to know about Starbucks Global Month of Service. Starbucks Partners around the World offer Leadership, Job Training and Advice to the Youth Population.

Starbucks is taking a global initiative this month to place a special emphasis on volunteering during Starbucks Global Month of Service. The famous coffee enterprise is looking to target youth who are not employed or in school and present them with opportunities to learn skills and potentially get hired through internships.

Already taking place in the United States, Starbucks has launched projects in Korea, Hong Kong, Canada, UK, and Mexico. Each country takes a slightly different route, but all with the goal to help young individuals aged 16-24, also being referred to as Opportunity Youth.

“With the launch of the Junior Achievement program, Starbucks Korea partners will share their experiences with high school students. Starbucks Korea partners also got together for special seminars where baristas shared their coffee knowledge with young customers interested in the barista profession.”

With a similar attitude, Starbucks is also helping youth in cities like Vancouver by focusing on providing information on “life and job skills such as interviewing, resume writing, and developing a personal brand.”

The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz recently announced the Full Tuition Reimbursement for Partners (Employees) to Complete a Bachelor’s Degree. Howard Schultz grew up in a Brooklyn housing project, and after receiving a football scholarship from Northern Michigan University, he became the first in his family to graduate from college.

While Starbucks is taking a personal lead in creating new opportunities for youth, they have been able to be more successful with the help of non-profits organizations in participating countries.

“Starbucks Mexico together with FUNDACION ALSEA will provide a series of workshops on bakery and food preparation with specific skills to enable young participants to start their own home-business model.”

Each country has a variation of the original plan, which has been accommodated based on what would work best for each population. Starbucks hopes to use these programs to help aid youth with how to apply for a job to and land the job.

Starbucks plans to hire 10,000 Opportunity Youth by the year 2018 and the Global Connections for Women Foundation plans to include such job opportunities to the new GC4W Dream Jobs Project on – a new jobs platform for job seekers looking to connect with amazing companies like Starbucks.

You can read more on the Starbuck Global Month Service initiative here or Visit GC4W Dream Jobs Project to learn more.

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