“I hope that Bare Reality can help transform other people. I would like it to help people reconsider how they think and feel about their bodies and those of the women in their lives,” said Laura Dodsworth, Author of Bare Reality.

The work of Laura Dodsworth, a feminist, photographer, and author of Bare Reality, the book form and now exhibition, explores the dichotomy between women’s personal perception of her breasts and how they are represented in media.

Laura created a kickstarter campaign to fund the production and the printing of her book, and with overwhelming international responses – she successfully reached her funding target in just one day and the video accompanying the project had over 1.6 million total views. Her book Bare Reality was published in June of 2015 – by Pinter & Martin and it is now available in both hardcopy and digital copy (in UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and internationally).

laura-dodsworth bare_GC4W StoryTo take the transformative impact of Laura Dodsworth and Bare Reality further, for every book sold, a donation will be made to Breast Cancer UK. “This touching, inspirational book cuts through the sexual objectification of breasts and encapsulates how unique, yet similar, we all are.” – Breast Cancer UK

With Bare Reality, Laura worked with one hundred women- aged 19 to 101- taking photos of only their breasts. The images of their breasts are accompanied with their own true genuine stories to make a statement about who they really are. “10 women who have or have had breast cancer took part in Bare Reality,” she explained to Refinery 29. “Their stories were especially moving, as you can imagine, and I valued their participation so much. Baring their breasts meant sharing their scars, literally and figuratively.” Their personal perspectives and life experiences were evocative, yet sincere.

Laura’s work is centered around the belief that to EmpowerHer, we must boost her confidence, share her stories and coin a global voice for the similarities in her journey. The Global Connections for Women Foundation (GC4W) celebrates Laura Dodsworth and her mission to connect, educate and empower women globally through the “Bare Reality” project

Lucy-Anne-Holmes-GC4W Story

To get a copy of Laura Dodsworth’s book, Bare Reality, visit and/or to learn more about the Bare Reality project visit

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