Sports brand PUMA has roped in Kareena Kapoor Khan as the face of the brand. With this collaboration, the new ambassador has joined the league of personalities like Adriana Lima, Selena Gomez, Cara Delevingne, Sara Ali Khan, MC Mary Kom, and Dutee Chand to be associated with the brand.

As part of the association, Khan will be seen promoting the brand’s studio collection, a training apparel collection to be launched for Yoga, Barre, and Pilates workouts. “Kareena personifies our philosophy ‘where the gym meets the runway’. She is not only an inspiration but is also a true embodiment of what it means for women to maintain a healthy lifestyle while donning multiple hats,” Abhishek Ganguly, general manager, PUMA India and Southeast Asia said.

The brand’s ideology of encouraging women to be their unapologetic self matches with my own beliefs, said Kareena Kapoor Khan. “This new partnership with PUMA gives me an opportunity to connect with and encourage more women to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle. Fitness is an essential, integral part of my life and I truly enjoy it in its various forms,” the actress elaborated on her association.

Founded in 1948, the German sportswear brand Puma designs, develops, sells and markets footwear, apparel and accessories. The brand caters to different categories such as football, running and training, basketball, and golf among others. In 2019, the company registered a sales growth of 22.8% in the Asia/Pacific region. The growth in the region was primarily driven by Greater China and India with both countries recording above average double-digit growth rates. The share of the Asia-Pacific region in the consolidated sales increased from 26.6% in 2018 to 28.3% in 2019.

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