“Nurture your excitement for life, don’t be afraid to entertain your truest desires, and reinvent yourself.”

Sorelle Amore is a photographer, a YouTuber, and the founder of Advanced Selfie and #Blessed University. She has worked with international brands and helped spread her advice on maximizing the human experience to her millions of followers across the globe. Amore also is an advocate for minimalism, body positivity and sustainable living across her platforms.

Nationality: Australian

Industry: Entertainment Media

Q: What advice do you have for those who aspire to live their dream?Forbes

A: “One of my biggest fears is being on my deathbed and not feeling like I lived the life I wanted. I often think about death to remember what it means to live. My actions may seem irrational at times, but frequently uprooting my life and seeing what sticks has helped me hone in on my skills, goals, and desires. I can’t imagine only doing one thing for the rest of my life. I need novelty because it helps me grow. Although entrepreneurship is not a life for everyone, I encourage you to constantly seek adventure….”

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