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Forbes: 10 Ways To Brave Up with Kathy Caprino M.A., Career Coach & “BRAVE UP” EXPERT

Kathy Caprino, M.A. is an international career and personal success coach, writer, speaker and leadership developer dedicated to the advancement of women worldwide. Considered a “brave up” expert for professionals, Kathy is the author of Breakdown, Breakthrough, and Founder of Ellia Communications, Inc. and the Amazing Career Project. Kathy is also a Forbes, Huffington Post and LinkedIn contributor, TEDx speaker, and top media source on careers, leadership, women at work, success and…

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Donate to a GC4W Cause to Support the Dreams of Women & Girls.

As you may already know, the Global Connections for Women Foundation is an award-winning non-profit organization that believes in all women and girls – and their rights to create new opportunities for themselves and their communities. Inspired by real-life examples and our ongoing global commitment, women and girls in underserved communities around the world will be encouraged to find their…

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Readers’ Feedback on #GC4W100 Women list, Heartfelt Responses.

The launch of the GC4W Top 100 Women in the World, an alphabetical list of inspiring women and global shapers from diverse professional disciplines was met with immense success. Our favorite part of the launch has been reading the collective outpour of heartfelt congratulations, inspiring messages, and stories shared from supporters, fans and readers on how inspired they felt because of the…

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Forbes: Women, Leadership, and Vision Advice from Kristen Pressner, SVP of HR at Roche Diagnostics

Kristen Pressner was delighted for GC4W to share both her TED Talk and Forbes article on Women, Leadership and Vision with our community and readers on It is her hope that her advice and insights will inspire you and serve as a guide as you move forward in your respective careers. “The World Economic Forum states it will take 83 years to close the global…

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Eat with Intention Episode #1: Steps to Eating Healthy

GC4W is proud to share the healthy eating and wellness videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize…

Read more Mesothelioma in Women, a Survival story.

Mesothelioma cancer survivor, Virgil Anderson recently contacted GC4W about her survival story, and invited us to share her story on the GC4W Women’s Health page. It is her hope that her story would enlighten our readers on mesothelioma in women, and inform on the type of resources available. Virgil was treated by the career network at, and we have decided…

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Meet Cassandra Bodzak, the GC4W Holistic Lifestyle Expert.

GC4W is proud to share the videos of our holistic lifestyle expert, Cassandra Bodzak. Cassandra is the best selling author of Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up and the founder of the online mind-body-soul support community, Cassandra is a global meditation and wellness teacher who instructs people on how to utilize the technologies of…

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