Tag: basketball

Brittney Griner’s Supporters On What It’s Like for Women in the WNBA

Brittney Griner’s Supporters On What It’s Like for Women in the WNBA NPR’s Juana Summers speaks with Nadine Domond, head of women’s basketball at Virginia State University, about the work to bring attention to Brittney Griner’s case. JUANA SUMMERS, HOST:  Basketball player Brittney Griner is a superstar. The six-foot-nine center for the Phoenix Mercury helped the team earn a championship…

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The NBA’s First ‘Ball Girl’ is Changing Basketball

By Brittney Oliver Leadership in sports is one of the most enduring old boys’ clubs, but women are on a hot streak, fast chipping away at the glass ceiling that’s protected coaching positions, commissioners’ offices, and ownership opportunities. In 2020 alone, Callie Brownson, the chief of staff for the Cleveland Browns, became the highest-ranking female coach in NFL history when she stepped…

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