Tag: Mindset

Simple Ideas To Help You Make Meaningful Change

Simple Ideas To Help You Make Meaningful Change Heather Cherry—  Significant changes or epic moments don’t happen overnight. And in most cases, those breakthroughs are not spontaneous—instead, they are more of a tipping point. These moments may feel like an “aha moment.” And they usually occur when the ideas that have been permeating in your mind finally get enough attention to dominate…

12 Ways to Shift Your Mindset and Embrace Change

Change is inevitable. Accepting it–and learning to anticipate it–is not, and understanding that is a major mental hurdle for entrepreneurs as their businesses, customers and market shift over time. But you can actually train your brain to get better at handling change through some simple mental exercises, from imagining your company’s demise to learning how to meditate. It’s not always…

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