Tag: Work

5 Strategies for Working While Pregnant

Between physical changes, emotional highs and lows, childbirth preparation classes, appointments with practitioners, dietary restrictions, tests and, of course, frequent trips to the bathroom, being pregnant readjusts your priorities. And then there’s work, which somehow has to mesh with the demands of the ever-growing baby inside you. If you’re healthy, experiencing a normal pregnancy without complications and work in a…

How to Ask for More Vacation Time

If you’re like most Americans, you don’t get nearly enough vacation time from your employer. The average American worker gets only ten paid vacation days after a year of employment (plus, generally, federal holidays and paid sick leave). That’s pretty paltry, especially compared with time-off norms in other industrialized countries. What you may not realize, though, is that you can often negotiate more vacation…

How Company Culture Affects Employee Engagement

What is Employee Engagement? Employee engagement is a direct result of a strong company culture. It refers to how employees feel about their culture and their jobs. The stronger a company’s culture, the better employees understand what is expected of them and what they’re working toward. Engaged employees are more likely to stay happy, motivated, and committed to your company. Overall,…

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