Giving Tuesday_GC4W


Giving Tuesday is a Global Day dedicated to Giving Back.

It’s a simple idea. It’s a campaign initiative to bring an education to the Disabled Girls in the City of Karamajiji, Abuja (Nigeria).  The Global Connections for Women Foundation (GC4W) is committed to building new classrooms, providing a school bus, tables and chairs, school supplies, and clean water supply– to further ensure the success of these girls.

The GC4W Giving Tuesday Campaign initiative to bring an education to the Disabled Girls in the City of Karamajiji, Abuja (Nigeria).

Our goal is to get 2,000 Champions to DONATE $50 or more.



In Nigeria, and in most countries, adults and children with disabilities are treated as second class citizens of society. In Karamajiji, 90% of it’s residents are challenged by their physical disabilities. The beneficiary of this GC4W campaign are disabled girls.

  • 100% of the money raised from the #GivingTuesday campaign will benefit the disabled girls in Karamajiji by bringing them access to clean water and education.


According to UNICEF40% of Nigerian children aged 6-11 do not attend any primary school with the Northern region recording the lowest school attendance rate in the country, particularly for girls. It is estimated that about 4.7 million children of primary school age are still not in school.

Specifically, children with disability are almost invisible and are often excluded from schools, because of the social stigma and traditional beliefs associated with disabilities. Therefore, children with disabilities often grow up to a future of begging as their sole means of survival. You can help change their future.


Join us in making a real difference in the lives of the Disabled School Girls in Karamajiji. We are counting on your support to meet this goal. Pledge your support by making a donation today — and give them the access to education so they can live their best life stories. Donate now

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