Your life is your message to the world; make it inspiring by becoming the happiest person you know. But, how?

1. Have a Morning Ritual – By creating a morning ritual, you set the whole tone for the day. Greet the first few moments of the day by nurturing your body and soul. This is the time of day to seek out the simple luxuries of life, and embrace them – it can be meditation, morning yoga, a walk in nature or a delicious wholesome breakfast.

2. Live with Gratitude – What you focus on you attract – so focus on what you are grateful for. Buy yourself a beautiful handmade notebook, and keep a gratitude journal. Before bed each night, write five things down that you are grateful for. By practicing gratitude, your perception will change, and you will develop a sense of appreciating the smaller things in life.

3. Look for Opportunities – Things will not just fall in your lap; you have to go out, work hard, and earn them. In the process, you will make mistakes, however, instead of giving up, find a way that works. When you search long enough, opportunities will come your way. Be bold, tell the universe what you want. Yes, you may get a hundred “no’s,” but you will eventually get one “yes.” You will be surprised how often the universe says “yes!” You just have to ask first.

4. Set Your Intention – Manifestation is extremely powerful, so get focused on setting your intent. By getting clear about what you want and sending out positive thoughts/feelings/emotions about it, you will find the key to fulfilling your dreams. Write your own personal mantra; then hang it where you will see it every day.

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5. Do the Right Thing – Live life with an open mind and loving heart. Don’t let your ego take over. Instead, give without expecting, refrain from gossip, and do not judge. Walk with grace, and keep your character strong. Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

6. Dream Big, and Take Risks – It is your right to live how you choose; dare to live it. Yes, it takes courage, because way to often you get belittled by small-minded people telling you, “you’re just a dreamer” or “that’s an impossible dream.” The people who achieve their goals are the ones who never give up, even when it seems all so hopeless.

7. Love, Nurture and Honor Yourself – Speak to yourself with kindness, nourish your body with whole foods, and honor your value by living life by your own morals. Take some time to invest in the most important thing – YOU.

8. Chill Out, and Savor the Moment – We live in a society where we all want everything yesterday. We forget to savor the present moment. Take some time to notice how blue the sky is, or make a date with the sunshine. Get out and enjoy the miracle of life that surrounds you NOW.

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