With so much news content being published each day on gc4women.org, we have decided to start a new tradition to keep you informed and connected to the resources to improve your life and business. 

The following are top picks and trending topics on gc4women.org news:

1. 4 Ways to Feel Empowered in a Male-Dominated Industry

As we take the time to celebrate the incredible contributions of women throughout history during Women’s History Month, it’s also a good moment to look around at the women currently fighting to be taken seriously, gain equality, and earn well-deserved respect in spaces still dominated by sexism and discrimination. 

While I’m sure that while we can all agree that progress is necessary, the process of pushing your way into these male-dominated spaces can feel exhausting, if not impossible! For all the girls out there on the front lines, don’t give up! Here are four tips on how to feel more energized and empowered in male-dominated industries as you navigate presentations, meetings, interviews, and the dreaded office Christmas party. Read more here.

2. A Profile of Immigrant Women in the Workforce

For years, immigrant women have made vital contributions to the U.S. economy, and they and their families have become deeply rooted in American society. The average immigrant woman has lived in the United States since 1996, and the average undocumented immigrant woman has lived in the country since 2005. Particularly during this Women’s History Month, these essential communities must not go unrecognized. Their contributions and experiences should be centered as policymakers craft solutions for a bold and equitable economic recovery in the months ahead. Read more here.

See also  GC4W News Weekend Reads – Edition 30

3. How Women Can Ditch the Guilt When Juggling Careers and Family

This essay is adapted from Joann S. Lublin’s “Power Moms: How Executive Mothers Navigate Work and Life” to be published Feb. 16 by Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

“As I explored how powerful women navigate careers at the top of the corporate ladder while raising a family, one thing became clear: Working-mother guilt persists in American society today because gender-role expectations haven’t evolved enough.

Such guilt has troubled Power Moms, both the first wave of the pioneering generation of women now typically in their 60s, and a second wave of moms in their late 30s and early 40s who earned executive roles more recently. Yet most of the mothers I spoke with have sought to reject it as a debilitating waste of energy.” Read more here.

4. How Blue Light Affects Our Vision, and Methods To Protect It

Do you sometimes find it hard to sleep at night? Chances are that blue light is affecting your body’s biological clock and disrupting your sleep patterns. This is a reality for many people if you consider that an average modern human being spends almost 5,000 hours staring at screens that emit blue light.

It’s inevitable that as digital technologies continue to be available to more people, exposure to blue light will also increase. But what is blue light? Where can you find blue light? Is blue light good or bad for your eyes? If blue light has adverse effects on your eyes, what can you do to protect your eyes from these effects? Read more here.

See also  GC4W News Weekend Reads – Edition 36
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