“I love that we’re seeing stronger women on the screen — but I don’t think that’s the end of this conversation. I think that we’re more than just being strong or just being mothering. I think there’s a whole lot that goes on in between for us to explore.”

Brie Larson is a filmmaker and Oscar-winning actress, best known for her lead role as Carol Danvers in Captain Marvel. She is also a gender equality activist and has helped bring attention to harassment, inequality and lack of diversity in Hollywood. Larson helped launch Women of Cinefamily which is a program that brings attention to films directed by and starring women for the non-profit Cinefamily. She is outspoken on her social and political views and continually aims to uplift women.

Nationality: American

Industry: Film

Q: There are rumors that Marvel is seeking a female director for Captain Marvel 2. How important would that be to you in having a woman at the helm? – Marie Claire

A: “There’s nothing I can speak to with the sequel. The first Captain Marvel gave me the platform to be able to use my voice, and the thing I love to use my voice for is to say, “We need more different, diverse unique, exciting new voices.” And my industry is one I feel I have a little control over. So that will always be something of importance to me, whether it’s a big movie or a commercial.”

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