GC4W Women’s Health & Wellness

The Japanese Approach to Accepting Life’s Challenges

BY SARAH DIGIULIO Twenty-twenty has been a lot to swallow. But in terms of how to cope and carry on, the best first step may indeed be accepting the realities we’ve faced, however difficult or grim. In Japan, the concept of acceptance is fundamental to the traditional culture. There are many Japanese words that translate to “acceptance” – “ukeireru” is just one of…

Meet the Founder of a Natural, Cruelty-Free Beauty Brand

By Maya Ernest  In the past few years, the wellness industry has seen a massive boom, becoming a $4.2 trillion dollar industry in 2019. Beauty brands are moving quickly to follow suit in providing beauty products that are genuinely good for you. On the cusp of the movement comes Each & Every, a new natural deodorant brand founded on the principle that everyone deserves to feel good…

99 Affordable Self-Care Ideas For Your Wellness Routine

By EMILY TORRES Do You Need More Self-Compassion? After the year-that-shall-not-be-named, we find ourselves needing a hard reset, a re-focusing on our wellness. We’re all carrying something more tender than what we share on the stage of social media, but the performance of face masks and bubble baths won’t heal those deeper heartaches. We need real self-care. Taking care of…

How ‘Matrescence’ Could Positively Transform Women’s Experience of Motherhood

By Belinda Haan When a woman is pregnant, her wellbeing is front and centre. Are you looking after yourself? Are you getting enough rest? Are you getting help? And once the baby arrives, the conversation swiftly moves almost solely to the wellbeing and behaviour of the baby. Is she sleeping well? Is he feeding well? Are they a good baby?…

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