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Small Business Grants For Women: 11 Amazing Opportunities.

If you’re an entrepreneur, raising capital is a big part of your job. Because small business grants provide resources for entrepreneurs, they’re in high demand, as you might expect. Small business grants for women are actually few and far between, and the ones that do exist can be quite competitive. But if you know where to look and understand the benefits available,…

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Millennial Women Who Credit Their Mentors For Their Success.

Am I feeling fear or intuition? A question that resonates with all millennial women. Career Consultant Jill Jacinto says, “Women who are entering the career world still tiptoe around the workplace as opposed to carving out a place for themselves.” She continues, “Fear and a lack of confidence are holding them back from achieving their full potential. No matter what role you…

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Learn How To Argue Effectively From Harvard Business School Professor Linda Hill.

The Assertive Girl’s Guide To Getting What You Want “Pushy.” “Aggressive.” When it comes to dealing with conflict in the workplace, it’s safe to say that treading the line between “assertive” and “aggressive” is a tightrope walk. Real innovation and change, however, occurs when people argue, as Harvard Business School professor Linda Hill contends in her latest book, Collective Genius. “Diversity and…

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5 Tactics To Help Your Brand Stand Out.

When you can articulate the difference between you and your competitors and push your superiority to the customers, you are successfully standing out as a brand. Branding strategy requires unique value propositions. It requires you to compete on unique attributes still unserved by your competitors. However, there’s a basic blueprint that every brand relies on. Research any of the big guns…

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Nancy Abu-Bonsrah, Named Johns Hopkins Hospital’s First Black Female Neurosurgeon Resident.

Nancy Abu-Bonsrah is making history by being placed at Johns Hopkins Hospital’s neurology department. Johns Hopkins University is making history with the residency of Nancy Abu-Bonsrah, their first black female neurosurgeon resident at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The news was announced on Friday, March 17, which is known nationwide as “Match Day.” The day is significant in that it indicates when…

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Global Winners Announced For ‘SDGs And Her’ Competition

WASHINGTON, August 29, 2018 – Today the global SDGs and Her Competition announced its inaugural 2018 winner chosen from over 1,200 entries. The contest — co-sponsored by the World Bank Group, the Wharton School Zicklin Center, UNDP, and UN Women — showcases women micro-entrepreneurs helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through their business operations. The winning entry is Tanzania-based WomenChoice Industries owned by…

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