Tag: Advice

Successful Women Share Their Best Career Advice

By Kate Lopaze Everyone—women, men, old, young—can use some guidance in their careers. Mentorship has long been established as a huge difference-maker, especially for people just starting out or people embarking on a new professional path. This level of support has proven especially beneficial for professional women, who do best when they’re able to get insight and advice from other…

How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias in the Workplace

Companies spend millions on antibias training each year. The goal is to create workforces that are more inclusive, and thereby more innovative and more effective. Studies show that well-managed diverse groups outperform homogeneous ones and are more committed, have higher collective intelligence, and are better at making decisions and solving problems. But research also shows that bias prevention programs rarely…

10 Life-Changing Books Every Woman Needs To Read At Least Once

From providing comforting escapism to offering practical advice, books can help us heal, grow and see the world in a whole new light. Here are ten incredible titles that should be on every woman’s TBR list: Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde: In this collection of fifteen essays and speeches, Audre Lorde incisively explores issues like sexism, racial prejudice and homophobia. The revolutionary black writer…

Bold Advice For Young Women Today

At the annual C200 conference, Forbes had the opportunity to meet so many inspirational women leaders, including successful entrepreneurs and members of the C-Suite at major corporations. They asked each one of them the same question:      “What advice would you give to your younger self?”  Here’s what they said. 1. Don’t let a lack of the “right” credentials hold you…

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