Tag: Internship

How To Gain Years of Experience While Still In School

By Madeleine Bokan Applying for entry-level jobs can be frustrating, especially when one of the requirements is 1-3 years of experience. You’ve probably thought to yourself, ‘how is that even possible? I haven’t even graduated yet!’ So, in our latest Generation Hired webinar, presented by Bumble, we asked two women that question, Julianne Skrivan, Her Campus Media Senior Associate, Campus Marketing…

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Remote Internship

By Annie Pei You snagged a remote internship—congrats! Welcome to a world of flexible working. While remote internships have a ton of pros, you’ll need to be prepared to work and complete all of your intern responsibilities…with all the distractions at home. When you have a remote internship, how can you stay focused and make sure you’re getting things done? We’ve got five easy tips…

4 Signs You’re Succeeding at Your Internship

4 Signs You’re Succeeding at Your Internship You’ve just begun to settle into the routine of your internship. But even if the sleep and coffee deprivation is beginning to wear you down, don’t despair! There’s a good chance that your internship is going better than you think it is, especially if you’ve been proactive in the workplace. Here are four…

How to Be a Proactive Communicator During Your Remote Internship

How to Be a Proactive Communicator During Your Remote Internship The world feels like it’s on pause, but that doesn’t mean your career development options have disappeared. In fact, there are tons of remote internship opportunities popping up. But once you’ve landed an internship (congrats, BTW!), now you’re faced with the struggle of remote communication. How often is too often to chat? Are you acting…

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