Tag: parenthood

How to Teach Your Child to Love Reading

By: Abby Freireich and Brian Platzer The pressure you feel about your children’s reading is wholly understandable. Pediatricians and educators are constantly telling parents to prize literary skills. And with good reason: Early reading has been associated with a host of positive outcomes, not only academic, but social and emotional, too. So when kids falter as readers, parents often feel…

This Academic Advisor Has 12 Things She Wants to Tell College Parents

By: Pricilla Baker I serve as an Academic Advisor at a large University which puts me in the unique position of witnessing firsthand a lot of what most of you only speculate about higher education and the college experience today. Having had no fewer than twelve students (male and female) sob in my office in the first 3 weeks of last semester,…

How To Help Your Children Cope With COVID-19 Stress

By: Lauren Ramakrishna As COVID-19 first spread across the US in early 2020, parents’ main concern became protecting their kids’ health. While masking and social distancing have gone a long way to help ensure the physical health of many children and adults in this country, families report a worrying decline in mental health, particularly now. ParentsTogether Action, a national parent-led non-profit,…

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