Tag: coronavirus

15 Ways to Celebrate Easter With Your Kids During COVID-19

By: Deena Campbell The ending of winter means the start of another (dare we say, better) season: Spring. You’ve been indoors a lot these days, but Spring is the best time to do outdoor activities (while practicing social distancing) and the Easter holiday is the perfect excuse to do even more activities your kids will love.  To help you start thinking of Easter traditions to try (and…

The Poetry Contest Rallying People To Promote Social Justice

By Melissa Jun Rowley Throughout history poetry and justice have seamlessly gone hand in hand. From the classic’s of Maya Angelou to the 2021 inaugural poem by Amanda Gorman, the convergence of poetry, social justice, and activism transcend time across generations. Today, Generation Z is leading the way.  Harnessing the power of creative expression, 14-year-old Isabella Hanson created the “I…

How to Cope With The Pandemic Anniversary

By Seraphina Seow Although the coronavirus was circulating in the United States in January 2020, last March was full of harrowing firsts. Whether you eventually experienced the illness firsthand or not, your life undoubtedly changed—perhaps even devastatingly—in March 2020, when COVID-19 became a household name in the U.S. If you need a refresher, the American Journal of Managed Care reports that during that month, the World…

What Kindergarten Teachers Want Parents to Know About Pandemic School

By: Lambeth Hochwald It’s not easy to be a kindergarten student—or the parent of a kindergartner—right now. There’s the masks to be worn, social distancing rules to be followed and the upside-down day-to-day rollercoaster of life in a pandemic, which might even include zigzagging to school one day and staying home and learning virtually the other. All the more reason we want to be there to help…

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