Tag: Healthy Living

10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence

By SHEENA JEFFERS The word “confidence” dates back to the early 15th century. A direct descendent of the Latin word confidentia meaning “firmly trusting, bold” and confidere meaning “to have full trust or reliance.” When I try to trace the roots of confidence in my own life it leads me to questions: When did I first hear of this concept? When did I first feel…

Fitness Motivation Tricks That Actually Work

Nearly a dozen research- and expert-backed tips you haven’t heard before. By Alyssa Sparacino Low energy. Busy schedules. Oversized expectations. These are just some of the common barriers (or excuses) that can come between you and your fitness goals. Despite knowing that regular exercise can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and help maintain a healthy weight, sometimes actually, well, moving is simply…

How Blue Light Affects Our Vision, and Methods To Protect It

Do you sometimes find it hard to sleep at night? Chances are that blue light is affecting your body’s biological clock and disrupting your sleep patterns. This is a reality for many people if you consider that an average modern human being spends almost 5,000 hours staring at screens that emit blue light. It’s inevitable that as digital technologies continue to be available to…

Collagen: 5 Things You Need to Know

What is collagen?  Collagen is a protein. Think of collagen as the building blocks for our hair, skin, nails, bones, muscles. It gives our bodies structure. Our body naturally produces this protein but as we get older, we produce less and less… and the protein that we do produce is lower quality. There are nutrients that can help increase production, like vitamin C. 2.…

7 Things You Should Do In The Morning If You Want More Energy

By Catherine Pearson Americans generally feel pretty tired and rundown. And the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has upended our daily routines for nearly a year now, certainly has not helped. But developing morning habits that leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day is possible, even amid an ongoing global health crisis. (Provided, of course, that you’re able to…

Yoga Benefits Are Endless For New and Expectant Mothers

By Rachael Coopes From the moment a woman finds out that they are pregnant they arrive on a new, foreign battlefield. Long before the ‘terrible twos’ and ratbag teenage years, there is a smorgasbord of emotions and challenges new and expectant mothers must face with warrior strength. Like the mythological yoga heroes that have gone before them, pregnant women need to…

Meet the Founder of a Natural, Cruelty-Free Beauty Brand

By Maya Ernest  In the past few years, the wellness industry has seen a massive boom, becoming a $4.2 trillion dollar industry in 2019. Beauty brands are moving quickly to follow suit in providing beauty products that are genuinely good for you. On the cusp of the movement comes Each & Every, a new natural deodorant brand founded on the principle that everyone deserves to feel good…

99 Affordable Self-Care Ideas For Your Wellness Routine

By EMILY TORRES Do You Need More Self-Compassion? After the year-that-shall-not-be-named, we find ourselves needing a hard reset, a re-focusing on our wellness. We’re all carrying something more tender than what we share on the stage of social media, but the performance of face masks and bubble baths won’t heal those deeper heartaches. We need real self-care. Taking care of…

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