Tag: Stress

How To Help Your Children Cope With COVID-19 Stress

By: Lauren Ramakrishna As COVID-19 first spread across the US in early 2020, parents’ main concern became protecting their kids’ health. While masking and social distancing have gone a long way to help ensure the physical health of many children and adults in this country, families report a worrying decline in mental health, particularly now. ParentsTogether Action, a national parent-led non-profit,…

Advice for College Student Dealing with Anxiety During this Pandemic

Advice for College Student Dealing with Anxiety During this Pandemic A global pandemic, finals, graduation, not knowing what’s next — you might be feeling more stressed than usual right now, but there are still ways to take care of yourself.   HerCampus talked to Dr. Kirsten Thompson, M.D., board-certified psychiatrist, clinical instructor at UCLA, and founder of the telehealth company Remedy (launching in June…

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