GC4W Top 100 Women

98. Sorelle Amore is GC4W Top 100 Women in the World

“Nurture your excitement for life, don’t be afraid to entertain your truest desires, and reinvent yourself.” Sorelle Amore is a photographer, a YouTuber, and the founder of Advanced Selfie and #Blessed University. She has worked with international brands and helped spread her advice on maximizing the human experience to her millions of followers across the globe. Amore also is an…

86. Iskra Lawrence is GC4W Top 100 Women in the World

“Shine bright and have a huge impact in this world, because you can.” Iskra Lawrence is a model and body-positivity activist. She is a model and an Aerie Real Role Model for the clothing brand American Eagle Outfitters. Lawrence champions and unretouched images in her professional photoshoots and across her social media networks. She is a National Eating Disorders Association…

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