With so much news content being published each day on gc4women.org, we have decided to start a new “Weekend Reads” tradition to keep you informed and connected to the resources to improve your life and business. 

The following are top reads and trending topics on GC4W news:

1. Why Saying “No” Can Actually Advance Your Career

I said ‘yes’ to helping a project team in an advertising agency where I worked as a consumer psychologist who proceeded to completely ignore my research recommendations because they contradicted the campaign they wanted to present to the client.

And I said ‘yes’ to entering a public speaking competition where I made it to the national finals and was completely humiliated in front of an audience of 400 professional speakers when the judges gave me scathing feedback about what I was wearing and that I would never get corporate clients dressed in jeans and sneakers (I have since gone on to consult to companies like Google, Disney and Apple – if only they could see me now…still wearing jeans and sneakers).

Looking back, I regret the pressure I put on myself to say ‘yes’. And after interviewing some of the world’s most successful people on my podcast How I Work, I clearly see the value of saying ‘ no ’ to help get ahead.


Read more here. GC4W

2. Tips for Navigating Your Winter Pregnancy

The weather outside might be frightful but if you’re pregnant during the winter, you may be dreaming of something delightful — the birth of your new baby. While cold weather can be challenging in some ways, there are a number of tips that can help make a winter pregnancy more tolerable.

From nausea to back aches and more, each trimester of a woman’s pregnancy comes with its own set of challenges. Add in the seasons with their complications like the cold and ice, and sometimes it can seem daunting. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to make your pregnancy easier and safe.

Read more here. GC4W

3. A Guide to Managing Mental Health During the Holidays

The National Alliance on Mental Illness noted that 64% of individuals living with a mental illness felt that their conditions worsened around the holidays.

However, there are ways in which we can prepare ourselves and hopefully deflect some of the increased stress of the holidays. It’s important to realize that we do have more control than we think we do. However, it’s equally important to realize that even if we put these ideas into practice and continue to feel overwhelmed or depressed, professional help is available.

We’ve identified six common issues that come up this time of year, as well as suggestions from our mental health experts for ways to address them.

Read more here.


4. Why Diversity in Nutrition is So Important

Food is about so much more than nutrition: It’s culture and family and history and comfort. However, the recommendations on eating healthily don’t always encompass a wide range of foods, recipes, and traditions. That’s part of what drove Tamara Melton, MS, RDN, to found Diversify Dietetics, a nonprofit organization devoted to increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the field of nutrition. We asked her about the importance of culturally competent care, what can be done to promote equity, and why this push is so essential. 

Read more here. GC4W

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