With so much news content being published each day on gc4women.org, we have decided to start a new tradition to keep you informed and connected to the resources to improve your life and business. 

The following are top picks and trending topics on gc4women.org news:

1. Amanda Gorman Won Everyone Over With Her Powerful Poem

A young Los Angeles poet read a stirring piece at President Joe Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday, words she’d written to both celebrate the country’s new chapter and address the mob attack on the US Capitol.

“When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?” Amanda Gorman began in her inaugural poem.

At 22, Gorman is the youngest ever person selected to write a poem for a president’s inauguration. But this isn’t the first time Gorman has been on the national stage: In 2017, she became the first-ever National Youth Poet Laureate. Read more here.

2. Warren Buffett Says These Traits Determine Successful Leaders

Buffett’s examples of leadership qualities are in short supply these days. As we collectively recover from the wounds inflicted by Capitol rioters, one thing is perfectly clear: We need more leaders with moral integrity to occupy high-influential roles within both our political ranks and the ranks of corporate America. 

To shift strategy means shifting belief systems around what a leader is and does. The hypermasculine, tough-guy, charismatic persona that is seen as the ideal leader is a tragic misrepresentation of great leadership. While a strong, smart, and decisive mind is a necessity, so is empathy, compassion, and consideration of others. Read more here.

See also  GC4W News Weekend Reads – Edition 35

3. Meet the Founder of a Natural, Cruelty-Free Beauty Brand

In the past few years, the wellness industry has seen a massive boom, becoming a $4.2 trillion dollar industry in 2019. Beauty brands are moving quickly to follow suit in providing beauty products that are genuinely good for you. On the cusp of the movement comes Each & Every, a new natural deodorant brand founded on the principle that everyone deserves to feel good about the products they put on their bodies.

Meet co-founder and brand leader Lauren Lovelady, who isn’t a stranger to the beauty and wellness industry. As a former marketing and brand manager for Secret and Old Spice, Lauren shares her wisdom in what it’s like to launch a new product with a global brand, her journey to breaking into the beauty industry, and her advice in making it as an entrepreneur. Read more here.

4. 5 Tips For Finding A Virtual Internship In 2021

In 2021, nearly every job has changed in the face of a pandemic with no obvious end date. For students, it’s a particularly uncertain time—many classes are virtual, school events have been postponed, and internships have been delayed or canceled. If you’re feeling uneasy about what comes next, you’re not alone; that feeling comes naturally for many students as they near graduation even in non-pandemic years.

Whether you’re looking to expand your resume or looking for work experience during your final year of school, we’ve outlined some tips to help you find and secure a virtual internship this semester. It may not be the rigorous in-person internship you had planned to take, but remember 2020 is an anomaly and future employers will recognize that. Cultivate yourself and invest in your career, when you can, but know that it’s okay to feel the emotions that come with upheaval. You’re not falling behind, you’re just adjusting to something wildly new. We all are. Read more here.

See also  GC4W News Weekend Reads – Edition 32

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